Sicklebush / Dichrostachys cinerea: It grows in dense groups and prefers clay soils. The wood is hard, dark, durable and borer- and termite-proof. It's an exceptional wood for turning.
Jackal-Berry / Diospyros mespiliformis: It grows singly along rivers and on termite mounds in higher rainfall areas. It's used to make furniture and house hold articles such as pestles for grinding maize. The sapwood is pale, the heartwood is dark brown, fine grained, hard and heavy (air-dry 850 kg/m3 ).
Wild Olive / Olea africana: The specie is limited to the southern part of the Kruger National Park. It's well known for it's fine grain. It's very hard, strong and smell's very nice. It's an excellent wood to make furniture and ornaments (air-dry 1 140 kg/m3 ).
Tamboti / Spirostachys africana: It grows singly along rivers. The valuable wood produces exceptional furniture. The wood is hard and oily, it's suitable for decorative veneer.
Red ivory / Berchemia zeyheri: It's a very scares wood, the specie is limited to the dry area of Northern Province and the southern part of the Kruger National Park. The wood has a very fine grain. Amongst the Zulu tribe, only the Tribal Chief was allowed to have a Red ivory walking stick (air-dry 1 280 kg/m3 ).
Leadwood / Combretum imberbe: It grows singly, in open basalt plains, and often along rivers. The leaves and fruits are believed to have mystical powers, trees damaged by elephants usually recover well. the heartwood is dark brown, hard and very heavy (air-dry 1 200 kg/m3 ).
Bloodwood / Pterocarpus angolensis: It grows singly on well drained soils with rainfall above 500 mm. The wood is excellent for making furniture and curios. The sap is used to cure cuts and sores.
Zebra wood / Dalbergia melanoxylon: It grows in groups often on road verges. The wood is used to make jewellery such as earrings and brooches. The sapwood is off-white to bright yellow. The heartwood is black sometimes with brown striations. It's hard and even heavier than Leadwood, finely textured and heavy (air-dry 1 280 kg/m3 ).
A 400mm reading lamp carved out of Bloodwood. |