The Holy Spirit gave Christopher the vision to begin Rugged Cross Clothing Company as a way to address the concern, giving students the opportunity to wear their faith on their sleeve rather than other status symbols and do so in a tasteful, modest manner. But, the vision would only come in the Lords timing as there was no perceivable way to start the company at that time.
Our Story: About 10 years ago, Christophers life was radically transformed to the gospel through a mission trip to Malawi, Africa. Within a year of that trip he had given up a career in real estate to pursue a calling into youth ministry, realizing he could not keep one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of God. While serving as youth minister, he was challenged by youth who had made a commitment to Jesus Christ, yet kept one foot in the world in parts of their lives, like music and clothing.
Our Purpose: We provide tasteful clothing with a Christian emblem, while giving 10% of proceeds to support the promulgation of the gospel through various mission opportunities.
Who we are: A group of Christians passionately committed to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Product Number: BS8001 Price: $24.00 |