handbag(ladies' handbag, fashion handbag)

With large production capacity that ensures the shipment on time.

The OEM service is available in our factory.

Its of novel design, good workmanship, superior quality and competitive price.

Many colors are for your choice.

Its size is 15*4*14.5in.

This handbag(ladies' handbag, fashion handbag) is made of super artificial leather PU.

handbag(ladies' handbag,fashion handbag) for 2008 latest design ,superior quality and competitive price..

  • Material:PU
  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • telephone:0086-0595-85723993
Material: PU
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Sustainable Elegance - Our Straw Handbag Collection

Welcome to ourstraw handbagfactory, where we bring you the essence of sustainability with a touch of elegance. Our handbags are handcrafted from premium natural straw, offering a unique blend of style and eco-friendliness. Each piece is a testament to our dedication to ...

Come From Zhejiang Kaijia Crafts Co., Ltd.

Eco-Friendly Straw Handbags

Introducing our exquisite collection ofstraw handbags, crafted with a blend of traditional artistry and modern design sensibilities. Each bag is meticulously handwoven using high-quality natural straw, ensuring durability and a unique, eco-friendly appeal. Our straw handbags are ...

Come From Zhejiang Kaijia Crafts Co., Ltd.

Sustainable Elegance - Our Straw Handbag Collection

Discover the allure of nature with ourstraw handbagfactory\'s collection. These handbags are not just accessories; they\'re a statement of sustainable fashion. Each piece is handwoven with love and care, ensuring a unique blend of tradition and modernity. **Eco-Friendly ...

Come From Zhejiang Kaijia Crafts Co., Ltd.