leather handbag,fashion handbag

3.To get latest catalog list and quotation, please feel free to email to us or visit our company web site, we will be glad to reply you here without delay.

2. If the handbag, fashion lady bag you received are not as our description or you are not satisfied with them, we will refund all the payment to you including shipping price.

1. All the handbag, fashion lady bag are Super Quality Level! We can guarantee you will be satisfied with our products.

 Serious Guarantee:

Most of our customers are from USA, UK, Canada, Australia and so on, they are all satisfied with our products and service. Of course they are receiving more and more positive feedbacks, and enlarging more and more market from their loyal old customers and interesting new customers.

Now we can supply 2000 different styles bags  in our stock, All the bags are 100% real leather, Super Quality level, and will come with Original packaging and accessory. Also handbags will be new items each month!

Quality: Super A Level Handbag

Material: 100% Real Leather

The size is  :38cm X 22cm X1 0cm

leather handbag,fashion handbag , wholesale 2010 newest styles. the quality is the best in China .and the price is favourabole .

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • telephone:0086-0595-85723993
leather handbag,fashion handbag , wholesale 2010 newest styles. the quality is the best in China .and the price is favourabole
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