To introduce ourselves we are a general trading, indenting & export import company located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We suplly various garments items & leather goods like ladies hand bag, leather
jacket, leather belt and wallet to Foreign countries. We also working as supplier of garments items, various electrical, industrial , gas pipe line materials , chemical etc items
to our government & priavate own various organizations specially Power, Gas, Medical &Industry sectors having good relations since more than 5 years..
We have experience marketting strength to take responsibilities for marketting of any suitable products.
International trading houses also invited to contact us.
Best wishes
A.S.M. Zabed
M/S Diamonds
154 MotijheelC/A.
Dhaka -1000. Bangladesh
Tel - Fax - 0088-02-7164019
Mobile - 0088-02-7164019.
Mobile - 0088-01817512841
E mail