Browse Alphabetically: All Products, Importers, China, Countries
Alibaba Group: Alibaba China- Alibaba International - AliExpress - Alibaba Japan | Taobao | Alipay| Yahoo! China | | Alisoft
Min. order: 1 piece
US$70.10 - 70.10 / piece
Min. order: 1 piece
US$38.66 - 38.66 / piece
Min. order: 1 Lot
2 pieces / Lot
US$13.20 - 15.88 / Lot
Min. order: 1 set
US$52.58 - 52.58 / set
Min. order: 50 pieces
US$15.98 - 18.56 / piece
Lets you protect and display your less fragile items without having to pay for more case than you need
Appearance associated with more expensive containers proudly showcases your product
Lightweight design facilitates ease of use and storage
Built to provide a perfect balance of product protection and affordability
Many custom options available
Lightweight and stackable designs
Solvent resistant plastic will not blister or peel
Standard hardware consists of 3/4" valance and quality latches and hinges
Molded-in ribs for structural stability
High-density polyethylene plastic for strength and impact resistance associated with heavier-duty cases |