wateproof knapsack for outdoor gear,waterproof backpack ,waterproof rucksack,waterproof field pack Keep your gear dry and organized in a waterproof backpack. You will be glad you
have it the next time you are hiking and a heavy rain rolls in. Wet gear isn't any fun! Constructed with PVC and 600D nylon mesh fabric with all seams welded for seamless construction. Tightly
sealed with the Fold Seal System A back-up Velcro seal for maximum security.
wateproof knapsack for outdoor gear,waterproof backpack ,waterproof rucksack,waterproof field pack
Package: | pp bag |
Supply Ability: | 5000 Piece/Pieces per Month |
Minimum Order Quantity: | 1000 Piece/Pieces |
Payment Terms: | T/T |
Port: | shenzhen |
Fob Price: | US$15.00-20.00shenzhen |
black: | waterproof and dry |
Usage: | Sports |
Color: | Black |
Function: | Waterproof |
Material: | PVC |
Model Number: | SL-E027 |
Brand Name: | sealock |
Place of Origin: | Guangdong China (Mainland) |