Our manufacturer exports all variety of bags including nylon oxford bags, rucksacks, schoolbags, trolley cases, shopping bags, beverage coolers, belt bags, etc.We offer fine lady's fashion bags, cosmetic bags, shopping bags, sporting bags, traveling bags and backpacks in different styles, colors and materials. All bags, packs, totes and beverage coolers are crafted from the finest materials available and are competitively priced. Our supplier has always believed that the best and only way to form and maintain long lasting relationships with its customers is by providing uncompromising account service and to continue to adhere to the core principle of providing high quality merchandise at the best prices found on the market. You simply cannot beat our prices! If you find a lower price ANYWHERE just tell us and we will meet, or beat, that price! You are encouraged to inquire as we are prepared to satisfy your stock inquires promptly and courteously
Our manufacturer exports all variety of bags including nylon oxford bags, rucksacks, schoolbags, tro
Style: | Trolley |
Material: | Nylon |
Model Number: | LV-3756 |