designer bags, woman's fashion bags,leather bags, Many colors available!
designer handbags, woman's fashion handbags,leather handbags, brand handbag
1).Various styles and colors are available.
2) Original packing with box, tags and labels
3) Various colors and popular styles are available
4) Small orders and trial orders accepted
5) Drop Shipping and PayPal/Moneybookers accepted!
5) 3-8 days prompt delivery via EMS, DHL , TNT, etc...
6)orginal package with logo, label dust bags and series..
If you have any questions, or if you are interested in our products, pls do not hesitate to contact us.
Trademanager: designer4u8
designer shopping bag Fast EMS/DHL/USPS/UPS/FEDEX Delivery. PayPal
Minimum Order Quantity: | 1 Bag/Bags |
Gender: | Women |
Model Number: | any model , any color |
Brand Name: | any designer |
Material: | Leather |
Style: | Casual |