In Nakshathera Fashion we provide bags ranging from very small bags to very large net bags and beach bags. We manufacture jute bags, yarn dyed bags, denim bags, etc., with wide range of prints and styles. We can manufacture Pure Jute bags, Jute with Cotton flex bags, Linen etc. These jute bags, yarn bags etc., are ecofriendly, back to nature and biodegradable. Our product includes wine bottlebags, shoppers, slings and hippy bags, ladies bas, luggage bag, packing bags, gift bags, promotional bags, ect., Embroidery works - Hand, machine, computer, patches and quilting or Handwork - Mirrors, beads, shells, stiches, couries etc. can be done according to our requirement
In Nakshathera Fashion we provide bags ranging from very small bags to very large net bags and beach bags.
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