Total QTY:103bundles
Total gross weight:11.258Mt
Total net gross:11.248Mt
Packing :gunny bag
Total 103bundles nbsp; 11248kg
Round bar 3" x4M 30 bundles 187kg 5610kg
Round bar 2"1/2 x4M 15 bundles 106kg 1590kg
Round bar 2"1/4 x4M 4 bundles 140kg 560kg
Round bar 1"1/2 x5.8M 20 bundles 66kg 1320kg
Round bar 1"1/4 x5.8M 8 bundles 65kg 520kg
Round bar 1"1/8 x5.8M 10 bundles 56kg 560kg
Round bar 1" x 5.8M 8 bundles 67kg 536kg
Round bar 5/8" x 5.8M 8 bundles 69kg 552kg
Name Description of goods QTY Weight/bundle Total weight
We now have 10ton in stock,the specification is as follow:
we can provide non-magnet bright finish 301stainless steel round bar,the composite as follow: Ni 6% Cu0.2% Mn6% Cr 15.5% |