To ensure all VALTIMET condenser tubes meet the highest quality standards, we incorporate the strictest quality control measures into our manufacturing system with comprehensive in-line testing. In addition to rigorously governing our skelp supply, we electronically control and monitor TIG welding, utilize in-line continuous treatment and perform in-line eddy current inspection and automated defect removal.
In saltwater cooled power plants, VALTIMET pioneered the manufacture and application of titanium welded tubes for surface condensers. Titanium's unique, naturally occuring oxide film makes it impervious to chloride ion attack. This corrosion immunity, in conjunction with its relatively high thermal conductivity, makes titanium the material choice for brackish and seawater use. Titanium is also specified without a corrosion allowance, resulting in thinner tube walls that increase thermal efficiency and flow rates.
For nuclear power generating stations cooled by uncontaminated water or cooling towers, VALTIMET supplies titanium, austenitic and ferritic stainless steel welded tubes. Utilities worldwide have switched from copper alloys to these materials to avoid propagation of copper ions in the steam generators and to allow greater circulation speed.
For more than two decades, VALTIMET has supplied welded titanium, stainless steel and more recently copper alloys condenser tubes to power generating stations worldwide. Through our long term relationships with power station engineers and constructors, equipment manufacturers and utilities, we have gained unequalled expertise in manufacturing tubing for nuclear and fossil fuel power plants. Today, because of our advanced welding technologies, extensive product selection, vast experience and customer commitment, the power generation industry recognizes VALTIMET as the world leader in welded tubes. |
welded titanium, stainless steel and more recently copper alloys condenser tubes to power generating stations |