Colour: Yellow or BlackWires: PVDF coated mild steelinternal wire Stainless steel external wireConstructionCOMPOTEC CHEMCHLOR 900, has been designed around several PTFE liners, supported by a PVDF coated steel inner wire, with a weather-proof and abrasion resistant Polyester/Polyvinyl chloride outer cover. The cover is also available in special Polychloroprene; its UV, Ozone, Sunlight and weathering resistance, offers superior temperature and abrasion characteristics,CHEMCHLOR 900, includes in the construction an extruded FEP tubular and Mylar polyester films. All the different layers are wrapped together and tensioned between in ternal and external wire spirals.Characteristics Specifically designed as a transfer hose under suction or pressure, the special construction of COMPOTEC CHEMCHLOR 900 hose, satisfy all the needing of the chemical industry for the transfer of all the chorine-derivates, at any concentration . All hoses are 100% aromatic resistant, antistatic and can be used for suction and discharge. COMPOTEC hose are fitted with an extensive range of couplings readily available, externally swaged with Stainless steel ferrules.Safety All hoses are tested at 11/2 times rated working pressure for safety and reliability, in accordance with BS 5842;1980 clause 6.4.Full test certification can be supplied on request. Burst pressure indicated, is at ambient temperature when tested in accordance with BS 5173 section 102.10.1990. It is possible, on request, to offer a range of hoses with fire and flame resistance CL 1, please contactCOMPOTECTechnical Department for further information.Temperature range-40?C+100?CSizeMaximumW.PBurstBend RadiusWeightMaximumlenghtmmInchBarpsimmpsimmInchkg/mt.Lb/FtMtFeet203/4152007510006521/20.80.52582251152007510008031.00.725823211/4152007510009031/21.10.825824011/21520075100010041.30.925825021520075100014051/21.91.325826321/21520075100016561/22.61.725827631520075100021581/23.22.12582
Colour: Yellow or BlackWires: PVDF coated mild steel internal wire Stainless steel external wireConstructionCOMPOTEC CH |