MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: SL.NO. Physical Properties IS : 1786 Fe 415D SRMB TMT Fe 415D 1. Yield Strength, N/mm2, min 415 415 2. Tensile Strength, N/mm2, min 500 520 3. Elongation, % (L = 5Dn) min 18 22 4. Total Elongation at max. force, % min 5 7* *(Typical values for 90% of cases) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: SRMB TMT Bars are produced in Fe 415D, IS 1786 grade. However, carbon levels are restricted to much lower than the specification, which results in excellent ductility, high bend ability and superior weld ability. Chemistry Unit IS 1786 : 2008 Fe 415D SRMB TMT Fe 415D* Carbon % 0.25 max. 0.15-0.21 Sulphur % 0.045 max. 0.045 max. Phosphorus % 0.045 max 0.045 max. S & P % 0.085 max. 0.085 max. *(Typical Values for 90% of heats) ** These are indicative results of general standard lots of "SRMB TMT Fe 415D". There may be variance as per customer requirment/standards applicable.