AWG size Inside diameter(mm) Outside diamete (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Length (m) AWG-30 0.76 AWG-28 0.38 0.84 AWG-26 0.46 0.92 AWG-24 0.56 1.06 0.25 AWG-22 0.68 1.18 AWG-20 0.86 1.46 0.30 AWG-19 0.96 1.56 AWG-18 1.04 1.67 AWG-17 1.19 1.79 AWG-16 1.35 1.95 AWG-15 1.50 2.10 30 AWG-14 1.68 2.28 AWG-13 1.93 2.53 AWG-12 2.16 2.76 AWG-11 2.41 3.01 AWG-10 2.69 3.29 AWG-9 3.00 3.72 0.36 AWG-8 3.38 4.10 AWG-7 3.76 4.48 AWG-6 4.22 4.94 AWG-5 4.72 5.44 AWG-4 5.28 6.00 10 AWG-3 5.94 6.66 AWG-2 6.68 7.40 AWG-1 7.47 8.19 AWG-0 8.38 9.10 Please contact us concerning sizes not mentioned above and colored tubes. Inch size Nominal dimensions insde diameter (mm) Outside diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Length (m) 2.18 3.18 3.15 4.75 3.95 6.35 4.35 6.35 6.35 9.53 1.59 7.53 9.53 9.53 1.59 10.7 15.87 19.05 1.59 22.2 Please contact us concerning sizes not mentioned above. Millimeter size Nominal dimensions insde diameter (mm) Outside diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Length (m) 0.25x0.75 0.5x1.5 0.8x1.8 1x2 1x3 1.5x2.5 1.5x3.5 2x3 2x4 2.5x3.5 3x4 3x5 4x5 4x6 5x6 5x7 6x7 6x8 7x8 7x9 8x9 8x10 9x10 9x11 10x11 10x12 11x13 12x14 13x15 14x16 15x18 16x19 18x21 21.0 20x23 23.0 22x25 25x29 29.0 30x34 34.0 35x39 35.0 39.0 40x44 45x49 45.0 49.0 50x54 54.0 Please contact us concerning sizes not mentioned above and colored tubes.
AWG size Inside diameter(mm) Outside diamete (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Length (m) AWG-30 0.76 AWG-28 0.38 0.84 AWG-26 0.46 0.92 |