Basic Airlift Systems transfer items between two similar Send/Receive Stations through a single interconnecting tube.For installation where limited space or building obstructions won't permit standard 48-in. radius bends, 24-in. radiusexpanded bends are available that allow the free travel of Carriers without binding. Expanded bends can be used forupward, downward, or horizontal runs.Two Configurations of Send/Receive stations are available for use in the pressure/pressure Airlift systems, dependingon the user's station mounting requirements. The Type I Station suits narrow and taller mounting spaces, whereas theType II Station fits wider and shorter mounting locations. Both Stations are fabricated from 16-gauge cold roller steelwith an enamel finish. Station doors are manufactured from heavy steel.PNEUMATIC DISPATCH SYSTEMS Low-cost, automatic, instantaneous dispatch system designed to convey materials betweentwo similar Send/Receive Stations through a single connecting tube Airlift Pneumatic Systems can deliver anything that fits in an Air-Lift Carrier to any remote location - even on differentfloors or in other buildings - in a few seconds. Small parts, orders, invoices, credit cards, shipping papers, memos,currency, mail, laboratory or test samples, medical supplies, or any other load weight up to 5 lbs, are whisked at speedsup to 25 feet per second on a jet-stream of low-pressure air to a destination up to 2,000 feet away. Flexible systemsdeliver upward, downward, or in any direction, not just horizontally. And they are energy-efficient; the blower operatesonly when a Carrier is in transit, not 24 hours a day as many other system do.Unlike old-fashioned, bulky, twin-tube vacuum systems consisting of heavy steel tubing and low-capacity carriers plusexpensive three-phase turbo-compressors requiring additional complex controls, the Air-Lift Pneumatic Systems arecompact and high-capacity, providing two-way carrier travel in a single tube. C
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