4CX1600B is a high-performance ceramic/metal tetrode with a plate dissipation rating of 1600 Watts with forced air cooling. The performance characteristics and internal configuration of the 4CX1600B allow its use as a high gain grid-driven RF amplifier or a grounded grid amplifier. A recommended mode of operation is in grid-driven service with a passive (resistive) 50-Ohm untuned input circuit. This eliminates the need for multiple input tuned circuits and neutralization. In this mode, a simple, stable, low-cost amplifier design with good intermodulation performance can be achieved. As a linear power amplifier, the 4CX1600B will conservatively produce 1500 Watts PEP SSB, and 1500 Watts Key Down CW in any of the three modes: grid-driven, grid-driven passive input, and cathode-driven. Because of the unique internal geometry of the 4CX1600B, the tube will operate efficiently at low plate voltage. Improved electron ballistics using a double-focused electron trap configuration contribute to the superior performance. The 4CX1600B is manufactured in Russia.