The purpose of a chimney pipe is to take the combustion products, ie, smoke and gases from the appliance to the atmosphere outside the home, and at the same time, to draw air for combustion into the appliance. Steel chimney pipes have become a popular, low-cost alternative to conventional brick chimney. Steel chimney pipes are made by different manufacturers, but all meet the same basic design standards. They begin with two steel cylinders, one inside the other. Then they pack the gap with insulation. In almost every case, the insulation is made of ground-up fiberglass plus silica.Rigid or flexible, steel chimney pipes always come in some type of insulation around it. The steel provides a continuous, even lining, and the insulation forms an additional layer of protection. Steel is preferred over other material because of its acid and heat resistant qualities. Steel also has uniform material strength throughout the entire structure providing more consistent and predictable results than wood. Steel chimney pipes are constructed properly, structurally sound and can be properly installed.
The purpose of a chimney pipe is to take the combustion products |