Manufacturing - Ilyich, Azovstal, Zaporozhstal
Sheet/roll : from 2,0 items 3sp/ps 14637-89
Sheet/roll : from 0,5 items 08 16523-97, 19904-90
Roll zinced, from 0,45-1,5; 1000/1250/1,0/1,25 items
We can also suply: armature, a beam, sheet hire, a channel, pipes, a strip, , a circle, a corner, a profile, rails, a wire, a grid building and so forth
The prices and conditions by deliveries to export the contractual.
Shipment to a current of 7 days.
Production is certificated.
Payment method - advance payment, the letter of credit
+38068 641 26 68 Roman Aleksandrovich
We offer wholesale and retail supply of flat and long steel in Ukraine and exports to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and other neighboring countries.
We sell zinc coated steel sheet in coil.