Classification of Products
Commercial Sheet of this quality is for simple bending or moderate forming. Commercial steel sheet can be bent flat upon itself in any direction at room temperature. It
has a wide variety of uses, including automotive panels, electrical home appliances, drums, pipes, farm implements, office supplies, building and civil work materials, and as base metal for
various coatings.
Drawing Sheet of this quality has a greater degree of ductility and is more consistent in performance than commercial steel because of higher standards in production,
selection and melting of the steel. It is suitable for automotive panels, audio-visual equipment, and heating apparatuses.
Deep Drawing Sheet of this designation should be used when drawing steel will not provide a sufficient degree of ductility for fabrication of parts with stringent drawing
requirements, or applications that require the sheet be free from aging. This quality is produced through special steelmaking and finishing practices. It is suitable for automotive front panels
and rear fenders.
Stabilized Deep Drawing Stabilized deep drawing quality products boast the highest quality in terms of workability. It is suitable for automotive parts that require
complicated treatment such as front fenders or wire. As a non-aging deep drawing sheet made with Al-killed, quality is guaranteed against extreme stretching or straining.
Surface Finish
The surface finish of cold-rolled steel sheet is either dull or bright.
Dull Finish Dull finish, which is attained by attaching numerous fine grains onto the steel surface, is often called 'pear-skin finish' or 'egg-shell texture'. The grains are
made by steel grit blasted roll. The dull finish is useful in drawing because lubricant oil can be evenly spread over the entire surface, thereby reducing the possibility of friction.
The fine grains also help boost paint adherence and extend the steel life span of the steel.
Bright Finish
Bright finish presents high-quality roughness that is optimal for decorative purposes. The sheet surface is rolled with fine polished rolls.
DC05(Fe P05)
DC04(Fe P04)
DDQ-N (StabilizedDeep Drawing Quality)
DC04(Fe P04)
DDQ (Deep Drawing Quality)
DC03(Fe P03)
DQ (Drawing Quality)
DC01(Fe P01)
CQ (Commercial Quality)
Quality Specifications
A cold rolled steel sheet is produced by pickling a hot coil and rolling it uniformly at an appropriated temperature to a thinner thickness. It has excellent surface configuration and superb
mechanical properties for use in automobile and electronic appliance production.