Hot-rolled plate
Rolling mill, characteristics:
"2500", size: 2.0-14x1219-2300x2438-6100, 11000-11700 mm.
"2350", size: 8-30x1500-2000x4000-11700 mm
"4500", size: 30-160x1500-3300x4000-8000 vv.
Packs weighting up to 10 tons for plates from rolling mill "2500"
Packs weighting up to 10 tons for exporting plates from rolling mill "2350"
Without package, for plates from rolling mills "2350" and "4500" for domestic market.
On metal stickers for plates in packs.
Painting and stamp for unpacked plates.
"2500", size: 2.0-14x1219-2300x2438-6100, 11000-11700 mm.
"2350", size: 8-30x1500-2000x4000-11700 mm