Enterprise NPP of Open Company " Adyustazh " makes and realizes a fiber from a steel wire of own manufacture in assortmentThe price for a fiber contractual. Our enterprise has the Certificate on a control system of quality of manufacture of a wire and production from a wire ISO 9001-2001. The enterprise is characterized by a full cycle of manufacture of the fiber, including process of drawing of a wire with the subsequent manufacture of a fiber in assortment. It allows us to exclude dependence of other manufacturers of a fiber on suppliers of a wire and stably to provide high quality of end production. At the enterprise specifications on manufacture of a steel fiber with reference to own conditions are developed, authorized and commissioned. It is known, that many manufacturers of a fiber use THAT of other enterprises, adjusting them under the conditions. On a fiber there is a certificate of conformity of Ukraine and Russia
Enterprise NPP of Open Company " Adyustazh " makes and realizes a fiber from a steel wire of own man |