fax:+7 (495) 641 26 12
tel. +7 (495) 225 27 27 ext. 4066, +7 (495) 641 26 11
Natalya Ryazanova
Height of a bundle is 570 mm.
Outer diameter is to 690 mm.
Inner diameter of a bundle is 550 mm.
Bundles are without in-between tying.
Bundles are tied with 4 tapes with transport rings.
It is supplied in bundles, weight - up to 1300 kg (possible to 1000 kg).
For galvanizing, colouring.
Wire surface is smooth, bright, without groves.
The residual wiredrawing lubricant NMT 1,5 g/m2.
Tensile strength 520-720 (or 550-750) N/mm2 for diameters 5,0-8,00 mm.
Wire is produced with wet drawing during the last die block.
(i.e. from -0/=0,06 to -0,06/=0).
Minimal tolerance per size 0,06 mm
Diameters: 4,0 mm -9,0 mm
Wire wet drawing
Wire wet drawing, sizes: 4, 0 mm-9, 00 mm