Advantages of ROTEX 9/15 compared with ROTEX 19x7 Flexibility: ROTEX 9/15 has higer flexibility since it is stranded out of 186 wires(only 133 wires in 19x7). Metallic cross-section: The metallic cross-section of ROTEX 9/15 is higherby 35%-40% than the one of 19x7. Filling factor: The filling factor of ROTEX 9/15 is 71.5% while it is only 59% in 19x7. Breaking load: As result of the high filling factor the minimum breaking load ofROTEX 9/15 is higer by 35% than the minimum breaking load of 19x7 of the samediameter and tensile strength. Core breakout resistant: Non-rotating wire ropes suffer many times from a core breakout due to the contrary lay diretcions. ROTEX 9/15 has betternatural resistant to this phenomena because it is core flexibility and the changein ratio between the rope layers. Life service: ROTEX 9/15 has 50%-60% longer life service and it performs betterin dynamic condition. ROTEX 9/15 us available out of stock: Regular lay or lang lay. Galvanized or ungalvanized. Compacted or round. With or without plastic inserts.
Advantages of ROTEX 9/15 compared with ROTEX 19x7 |