ForPOOJA METAL PROCESSORS (P) LTD achieving High Process Performance bycontinually improving Men, Machinery, Materials, Methods and Managementsystems is of top priorty.We are delighted to serve our customersthrough our commitment for Product Quality, Timely Delivery andCompetitive Prices
Thesame excellence as in motor stamping is also found in production ofalloy components. The company has a dedicated Pressure Die castingunit catering to the demand of motor as well as appliance industries.
The Company has 4 state of the artmanufacturing facilities having in-house facilities of Steel Slitting,Lamination Punching on High Speed Presses, Decarb Annealing , StackMaking and Pressure Die Casting and is currently serving to industriesincluding Electronics, Appliances etc. in India and abroad. Variousgrades of semi and fully processed steel are transformed intolamination on state of the art stamping technology with single andmultiple row stamping dies. The company has the capability to produceInterlocked and Auto skewed cores as per customer requirements.
After 20 years of continuous growth, POOJA METAL PROCESSORS(P) LTD, an ISO 9001-2000 company is one of the highly recognizedmanufacturer and exporter of Electrical Stampings (Stator Stacks, DieCasted & Machined Rotors) and Aluminum Pressure Die CastComponents.
Aluminium Pressure Die Casted Components.
die casting component,
casting part,
aluminum die casting.