Varec 4310 Series covers are designed with a foot pedal which allows fast, hands free tank access for sampling and gauging. The cover is self aligning and closes automatically when the foot pedal is released.
While in the lock down position, the hatch maintains pressures up to 3 PSIG (20.7kPa). Unauthorized tank access can be prevented by use of a padlock.
Varec 4310 Series Hatch Covers can operate as free opening or lock down devices. When used as free opening, the aluminum cover will open to relieve tank pressure at approximately 1.0 Oz/In2 or 1.73 inches W.C. (44mm W.C.). The hatch cover can be locked down by the insertion of a lock pin (provided as standard) in a retaining hole between the cover and base.
4310 Gauge Hatch Cover
Positive sealing soft seat inserts