a) Automobile Engg. Inds. : - Moulds and Dies for various parts of two / three / four wheelers.
b) Electrical Engg. Inds. : - Dies, Fixtures & Moulds used for various inputs for the production of electrical components like motors,
transformers etc.
c) Consumer Durable Products Inds. : - Components used in Fans, Mixers, irons, washing machines etc.
d) Mechanical Engg. Inds. : - Components of pumps, Compressors, Valves etc.
e) Material Handling Equipments Inds. : - Specially designed dies, moulds and fixtures for production of material handling devices like
conveyer belts, hoists, cranes, bottling machines etc.
f) Textile Engineering Industries : - High quality components manufactured by precision dies and moulds