Manufacture of Clear Chill Rolls utilise the unique property of iron and carbon system whereby, controlling chemical composition and cooling rate, the desired eutectic carbide is obtained on the surface layer (upto a certain depth) and a graphite rich structure in the core with a transition zone of mottled iron.By controlled addition of various alloying elements, the surface hardness and wear properties of chilled zone can be improved upto an optimum limit beyond which the brittle nature of the white iron and low tensile strength of mottled iron render the roll basically unusable. Such rolls in general possess excellent wear resistance and when alloyed with proper alloying elements have adequate resistance to fracture, fire cracking and spalling.NOMINAL CHEMICAL COMPOSITION & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES %Chemical Composition Mechanical Properties C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Tensile Strength Kgf/mm2 Bending Strength Kgf/mm2 Hardness Sh0C Grade 3.23.6 0.200.40 0.200.60 0.200.40 0.0850.140 0.200.40 1.802.20 0.300.40 18-25- 30-40- 65-75- 01- 2.93.3 0.501.00 0.250.60 0.400.60 0.080.10 0.30Max 0.30Max 0.200.40 18-22- 30-40- 60-65- 07-