VINEYARD BLOCKS1st block 12 year old vines on 7 wire vertical trellis. Mix of 6 different clones on 101-14 rootstock. Mont Fleur vineyard. high altitude mountain slope. Soil deep red Hutton decomposed granite. Yield 5 tons / hect. (30hl/ha)2nd block 9 year old vines on 5 wire vertical trellis. Clone 20C on 101.14 rootstock. Neighbouring east facing Keermont vineyard. Soil deep red Hutton decomposed granite. Yield 4 tons / hect. (24hl/ha)3rd block 18 year old vines on 4 wire vertical trellis. Clone CS 46A on 101-14 rootstock. Soil shallow gravelly red Hutton decomposed granite. On low lying Helderberg mountain site. Yield 4 tons / hect. (24hl/ha)7% Petit Verdot incl.These yields equate to around 1kg of fruit per vine, arguably the threshold for the production of GREAT wine!
other products: 18-8 turnings, 316 turnings, 316 solids, 400 series, 200 series and other 300 series |