Where OEM ATM safes do not provide the required security resistanceWhere the safe enhancement forms an integral part of the ATM safe and additional surrounds are not required Upgrading on OEM safes from NCR, Diebold, Triton, Fujitsu, Nec, Bull Door, sides and full safe body upgrading options Cat Ii, Cat II ADM, Cat III and Cat IV levels Multi point locking with relockers No effect on ATM cooling and door access Nominal increase in ATM footprint Prepared to accept seismic and alarm detectors No additional keys for surround doors door-in-door option for retrieval of deposits Whilst restricting access to cash canisters Option for selected upgrades to be carried out on site over 12 000 ATM safes upgraded in Southern Africa under Barrier Angeluccis patented system
Where OEM ATM safes do not provide the required security resistance |