a) Assortment of fittings for cast iron pipelines:
a.1.) Flanged fittings with diameters DN 50-600 mm (F, FF, FFK, FFR, Q, N, T, TT, N, X, MMA, MMK, MMR, E, EU and other pieces).
a.2.) Tyton joints with diameters DN 80 - 600 mm (EU pieces) or DN 80 - 200 mm (U,MMA,MMB,MMR,MMK and MMQ pieces)
a.3.) Fittings with flying flanges with diameters DN 60-600 mm (for F-FM, Q-FM and FFK-FM pieces), diameters from DN 50-300 mm (for T-FM, TT-FM, FFR-FM and FF-FM pieces)
b) Assortment of fittings for plastic (PVC, PE) pipelines with diameters DN 50 - 600 (E-KS, F-KS or MMA-KS pieces), DN 63 - 200 (for MMB-KS, MMI-KS, MMR-KS, U-KS or EX-KS pieces) or DN 50 - DN 400
(for MMQ-KS and MMK-KS pieces)
c) Assortment of manhole covers and grids
Protection of castings against corrosion could be with Bitumen from both sides, with Bitumen outside and cemented inside or with the EPOXY Painting.
Flanged fittings with diameters DN 50-600 mm