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Common materials for crimped screen: Galvanized steel or stainless steel.
Woven Wire Screen Types: Slot mesh screen is used when increased throughput is required or when improvement in non-blinding qualities is needed. This arrangement has greater open area than square
opening screen.
Long slot opening wire mesh with double shute wire allows increased open area than single shute yet retaining a well locked stiff mesh.
Slot opening wire mesh with triple shute has greater open area than with simple oblong mesh. The greater length of unsupported wire enables slight vibrations to be set up which gives the mesh
excellent clearing properties
Corrugated Crimped Wire Mesh:
Extra crimps in war and weft with the wires seated in every third or fifth crimp. Corrugated crimped screen gives a rigid mesh even when the aperture is large in relation to the wire diameter.
Lock Crimped Wire Mesh:
A variation of the double crimp with an additional crimp to give a firmly locked mesh. Widely used for vibratory screen cloths.
Double Crimped Wire Mesh is evenly crimped in warp and weft, providing a rigid construction. The wires are pre-crimped and sprung together thus giving a mesh which will not chatter at the intersections.
Square opening crimped wire mesh screen is mainly used for screening regular shaped materials.
Flat top crimped wire mesh has smooth working surfaces with all the crimping is on the underside, enabling an even weave and free move of materials over the crimped screen.
Weave Types of Steel Screen Made of Pre-crimped Wire:
Crimped Wire Mesh
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