The advantages of such screens are obvious: Only worn panels need be replaced; screen panels are much smaller than fully-hooked screen panel and are therefore lighter and safer for maintenance teams; replacement can be carried out with a lever and a mallet; wires are rectangular rather than round and therefore have improved wear results and higher open area.
Tiro vibe screens are an extension of the Poly-Vibe, in which smaller panels are simply snapped on to the support frame of the screen.
Tiro is a safe, highly efficient, non-pegging and non-blinding modular wire screening system.
TIRO? Tap In Rip Out Vibe Screens
The most persistent problem in vibratory screening has been the blinding and plugging of the screen surfaces. To reduce or eliminate this, JohnsonScreenex have developed screen panels
using non-woven wires bound together by polyurethane strips.
These strips are located above the bucker bars, creating a flat surface in which the wires can move independently.
The flat, more active screen surface reduces build-up and increases throughput, virtually eliminating the need to shut down for screen cleaning.
The lighter weight screens with polyurethane edge strips and no sharp edges are also easier and safer to handle and faster to install.
Actual field performance comparisons show that Poly-Vibe screens, on a wet day, nearly equal dry day production of conventional woven wire screens.
Poly-Vibe screens are manufactured with tension hooks and are extensively used in the sand and gravel industry.
The most persistent problem in vibratory screening has been the blinding and plugging of the screen surfaces