New York Wire is the leading supplier of insect screening to hardware
distributors and retail outlets. Our products can be found on the shelves at home centers and hardware stores across the country. Whether you are selling pre-cut rolls to the consumer, repairing
screens in your shop or selling rolls of screening to contractors or the housing industry weve got you covered.
We combine quality products, innovative merchandising and packaging, the most complete offering of specialty products with excellent service to make selling our products easy and profitable. We are
the only insect screening manufacturer to also provide a full line of screen accessory items.
Our screening products include aluminum, fiberglass, Pet-D-Fence, pool & patio screen, solar screen, no-see-um screen, bronze, galvanized steel and vent mesh. With this selection we are sure to
have what your customers are looking for.
New York Wire is the leading supplier of insect screening to hardware
distributors and retail outlets.