Bila ada yang berminat alamat saya di Kalimantan Timur adalah
Jl. Kedondong Dalam IV no. 8 voorfo Samarinda Kalimantan Timur Indonesia.
Telp. +541732607
(If there are any enthusiastic of my address in Kalimantan Timur is
Jl. Kedondong Dalam IV no. 8 voorfo Samarinda Kalimantan Timur Indonesia.
Telp. + 541732607)
this some products from keamic original Kalimantan is assessing its(the age is almost 800 years and Saya will contact again to you to show collection photo of our antique with all kinds of type
following offer of the price of we are through further enamel. we thank you for his(its same job(activity to us.
Mohammad Hidayat
in Samarinda Kalimantan East Borneo