This rfq must be responded to by april 11th.The tanks must be constructed in sections for shipping. The sides and bottom sections of the tank shall have an average thickness of 1/4 inch. If delivered in sections, the tank shall be assembled at the delivery site by the purchaser or their representative. Each of the sides will have a minimum of a 3 inch lip up each side and along the bottom toallow for bolting the tank together. A 3 inch minimum lip will also extend from the top edge around the entire outside of the storage tank. This top lip will have bolt holes on no more than 12 inch centers to allow attaching the top cover. The bottom and sides shall have bolt holes on 6 inch centers. The protective cover (top) may be constructed in sections and shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch thickfiberglass and extend out to the outside of the tank top lip. Cover shall be constructed to withstand 40# per/ft snow load with a domed shape. A raised access hole with a minimum of 24 inches in diameter shall be part of the cover. It shall be located off the center of the cover closer to the side. After all the sections are bolted together, all seams, with the exception of the top cover, shall be filled with fiberglass on the inside of the completed tank to insure a watertight seal. The tank shall include the following installed at the factory or onsite after delivery: Four (4) 1-1/4" double threaded fittings and a 24" minimum diameter raised access hole with removable lid. Fitting number one shall be placed on the underside of tank,6 inches from the edge and directly under the 24" diameter access hole. Fitting number two shall be placed on the side of the tank 6 inches from the bottom directly below the 24" diameter access hole. Fitting number three shall be placed 180 degrees from fitting number two,6 inches from thebottom. Fitting number four shall be placed directly above the third fitting 6 inches from the top lip. See attached drawing for general locations. Fiberglass tanks shall be constructed of isothalic or ortho resin, continuous roving fiberglass, with an approved catalyst. Other materials used are: Colored pigment mixed with resin to act as anultra violet inhibitor, vegetable oil is used for mold release. All materials used must meet FDA specifications for potable water. Final exterior color shall be a green as approved by the virtual view, INC.. A gel coating will be added to the outer surface of the entire tank for smoothness and ultra violet light protection.
This rfq must be responded to by april 11th. The tanks must be constructed in sections for shippi |