Based on epoxy resin and fiberglass reinforcement, various grades of laminates are manufactured to NEMA G-10 and G-11 standards. Also, with the stringent requirement of high tracking resistance (KA3C) and high di-electric strength in view, special type laminates are offered for MV Switchgear applications. Similarly, fire-retardant grade laminates are offered for specific applications. These are available in standard sizes, in the thickness range of 0.4 mm - 60 mm & above. Of course, extra - long Sheets / strips of more than 2400 mm, without joints, are also offered for coil support in Generators. A wide range of Laminates made out of fiberglass CSM and woven fabric bonded with Epoxy or Polyester resins are offered for a variety of applications. These are made to EP2 / EP3 and GPO1/ GPO2 / GPO3 as per Indian standard IS1O192-1982 Parameter : Material Tested: Glass epoxy sheet EP 3 Grade / Nima G10 grade Type of Test: Cross breaking strength Cross breaking strength Compressive Strength Tensile Strength Shear Strength Water Absorption Temperature limit Test method: IS: 10192-82, Ep3 Grade, Neema L1 Grade No Item Specifications 1 Compressive Strength (N/mm? 5-12 mm thick sample 400 2 Cross breaking Strength (N/mm? >350 3 Tensile Strength (N/mm? >280 4 Shear Strength (N/mm? >100 5 Water Absorption 0.75% 6 Temperature Limit 160?/td> 7 Comparatrive Tracking index >250 Volts 8 Breakdown Volage (4mm Sheet) (Flat Wise) 14 KV / mm 9 Dissipation Factor at 500V 0.04 10 Insulation Resistance 10000 m ohm
Based on epoxy resin and fiberglass reinforcement, various grades of laminates |