This document contains protected copyright information.All the rights are reserved. Any part of this manual can not be by any of mechanical, electronic or other means without prior Manufacturers permission. *Due to continuous improvement of the plant, certain parts may differ from the default specification. 1. APPLICATION Transformer oil treatment unit UVM type is designed for degassing, removing solids, nitriding and heating transformer oil which power transformers with voltage up to 1150 kV are filled in. Unit is used for heating oil-filled electric units with hot transformer oil, as well as vacuumizing power transformers. It is also used in mounting, repairing and operating companies processing transformer oil. It is necessary to provide degassing discharge from station into atmosphere via pipe line while utilizing station in the enclosed premises. The machine complies with climatic designer U2 as per GS" 15150-69. 2. SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Primary station specifications are stated in the table 1. "0ble 1 Parameters Value 1. Capacity, m3/h, : - in degassing condition - in transmitting condition with filtration 1,0 6 2*. Processed oil characteristics: - oil bulk gas content % -