We are are long-history supplier of different laboratory equipment - our main enterprise is one of three existing factories of this kind around the eastern Europe, and I can assure you we are producing competitive apparatus and sell them for more than competitive prices. We also deal with a lot of other suppliers to be able to deliver full project accomplishment even to those customers who require bigger variety of apparatus than we do produce.Among our strong items, you might be intersted in a p-v-ch-p (the falling number system).The falling number system measures the alpha-amylase enzyme activity in grains and flour to detect sprout damage, optimise flour enzyme activity and guarantee soundness ofTraded grain. Alpha-amylase activity is crucial for final product quality of bread, pasta, noodles and malt. Anyone handling wheat, barley, rye or sorghum intended for these applications will benefit from the falling number system.The method is standardized by international bodies such as the icc, aacc,ISO and asbc in the standards: Icc/no.107/1; aacc/no.56-81b; ISO/no. ISO/dis 3093; asbc barley 12-a.We do offer spare parts, warranty and after-warranty service, we can supply methodics or even teach your personell how to work with our apparatus. We are specializing on supplying complex laboratories on a turn-key basis, but we are also selling any apparatus or parts (which can also be interesting for a large company - our spare parts can be used as replacement of pricey ones in other brands' apparatus) separately.Letting me know if you are interested in this or any other laboratory apparatus we produce will give me more chances to describe our offers deeply and to give you exact technical specifications on apparatus you might be interested in.
We are are long-history supplier of different laboratory equipment - our main enterprise is one of t |