Bags of Concrete, Grains etc.
Industrial &Institutional bagged product
Pharmaceutical and Packaged consumer goods
Food & food Related Industries
Multi speed flexibility
Independent In feed, Weigh and Take Away Conveyor
Accurate and Reliable
Embedded electronics
Accept / Reject mechanism
High speed micro controller
Speed - 30samples/min
Capacity - 100gms- 20kgs
System also provides statistics of Accepted/Rejected items,EGA. This system can be connected on a RS232/Ethernet to a centralized SCADA/PLC systems.
Based on the set weight, any packs that are outside thetolerance are taken out of line automatically. There are various rejectionmechanisms available. The system is controlled by very high speed, highresolution controller.
Our Check weighing system is unique, since it combines themodular Feeding mechanism, Check-weighing, Rejection mechanism. It can alsodirectly print the gross weight on the carton using the existing IJT printers.
LCS-Accuweighcheckweigher system is,a state of art, High speed, High accuracy, Conveyorisedonline weighing system suitable for check weighing up to 30 samples per minutefor various capacities with greater accuracy.