Manufacturing and commissioning a unique range of Fully Automatic Potato Chip Line, we are offering precisely engineered equipment for finest potato chip and Banana chip, The process involvesGrading of potetoes, Destoning, Peeling, Slicing, Washing and Blanching, Dewatering, Frying, Deoiling and sorting and flavouring.We Have recently Invented Shell & tube Heat Exchanger Heating for optimal utilization of fuel.We offer this machine with a production capacity of 100 Kg/Hr onwards. The unique attributes of our machine are:Upto 30% Less fuel consumption than another Continous Plants Available in Market. Low edible oil take up.Instant Response(Very Less Startup time).Less manpower required.Improved productivity.Hygenic Design and spillage free operation.Minimal Wastage.Our Line Consist following Indegenious Equipments. Feeding ElevatorPotato Size GraderDe-StonerContinous PeelerInspection conveyorSlicerSlice Washer Cum BlancherHigh speed belt with air knife.Fryer with Heat Exchanger and Day Tank.De Oiling cum sorting ConveyorFlavoring ApplicatorControl Panel
Manufacturing and commissioning a unique range of Fully Automatic Potato Chip Line |