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This machine adopt the intelligent showing regulator to control the temperature, it collects the signals inside the furnace body, uses the method of electrical heater flue, oil of calorific conduction, or heat by burnable gas to make the oil temperature even more equal, the difference in temperature is small. This machine may use 380V or 220V power supply, using range is very wide, operation is simple, of environmental protection, of sanitation, of convenience, compared with traditional fryers, the saving oil rate of this machine may reach 50%.
We handle the deep fryer, the model DY series oil and water mixed fryer adopt special stainless steel for food machine which there are no any harmful heavy metal to human body, it is steady and durable; adopt the technic of oil and water mixed, the water under the oil will filtrate and clean the fried oil, make the fried oil fresh and effectively reduce harmful matters in the fried oil, keep the fried oil not to be black, accordingly extend the period to change the oil, the effect to save the oil is considerable, besides the food fried out is delicious in taste, fresh in color, and favorable to health.
The fryer is the model of oil and water mixed, it may save the oil and make the profit for you.
Payment Terms: | T/T |
Processing: | Frying Machine |
Processing Types: | Snack |
Place of Origin: | Shandong China (Mainland) |