Enhanced safety due to the absence of moving parts outside the protection of the housing .
Energy saving as the band remains at a constant temperature during the entire cycle thus eliminating the need for reheating .
Easier cleaning as surplus product fall in to the internal stainless steel trays trays that can easily be removed for emptying and cleaning rather than on the floor beneath the tunnel .
Amore hygienic environment that is not vulnerable to dust penetration and moisture condensation from the surroundings.
This means a number of decisive benefits :
The FDA approved long _ life synthetic or wire mesh band is completely contained inside the cooling tunnel;
The PLC control panel can control the time of cooling form 15 _ 25 minute.
Sepehr machine vertical cooling tunnel special for chocolate moulds can be manufactured as a space saving tunnels with the capacity off 200 _ 300 pieces depending on the size of the moulds.
Water cooled bottom plates can be include if extra strong bottom cooling is necessary.
This system can be manufactured for radiation convection or contact cooling.
Sepehr machine cooling tunnels are delivered with one or more cooling compressors depending on the actual need of cooling capacity and length of the tunnels.
Our cooling tunnel are delivered with FDA approved plastic or wire mesh conveyor bands.
Sepehr machine cooling tunnels covers are made of insulated materials free from lead and Freon gases specially sandwiched panels with plastic profiles to give maximum cooling efficiency.
Sepehr machine cooling tunnel are available in the following standard widths: 500_ 600 _ 700 _ 800_ 900 & 1000 mm on special request the cooling tunnels can be made in band width up to 2000 mm.
As standard the cooling of biscuits and chocolate moulds etc .
Sepehr machine cooling tunnels are quality product of modern design including automatic band steering device cooling elements with air blowers product check windows together with complete control panel and variable band speed and band tensioning.
Cooling tunnel