The millennium sifter, the sieving, grading machine is specially designed and developed for separation of solids and gradation of material in accordance with their sizes. It has features to provide gyratory vibration generated by balanced flywheel. The amplitude of vibration can be adjustable to the processing needs by means of movable weight on the fly wheels.QUALITY All the product contact parts are SS 316. All the inlet air contact parts and other components are SS 304. Other than SS all other materials like Gaskets, Teflon, silicon tubes, etc. all are food grade. All the measuring instruments are calibrated. SAFETYAll parameters are considered for Man, Machine, and Material safety.TECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSModel Size Motor Charging Height Dischargin g Height Capacity /hr MISIF20 20 Inch 508mm 1.5HP 1190mm 750mm 20-100kg MISIF24 24 Inch 600mm 2HP 1190mm 750mm 22-150kg MISIF30 30Inch 750mm 2HP 1300mm 850mm 30-300kg Top
The millennium sifter, the sieving, grading machine is specially designed |