The main parts of the machine are filling tank with filling valves. Further parts are pump, pneumatic and hand closing valves, regulate and snift valves, which keep required pressure level in system, lifts of bottles, guiding carousel which leads bottles on the lifts, computer control system of machine, frame with safety screen. In the case that we have request on evacuation we have on the machine yet exhauster. On the wish of customer is possible to give into filling tank carbonate section where beer can be saturated by carbon dioxide. In the case that filler is fitted with filling valves with evacuation the principle function of machine is described in the following text. In case that filler is not fitted with evacuation valves is evacuation phase away. In the first step, we have to give two empty bottles into carousel of bottles. After receiving start signal computer gives signal to power of bottles carousel run and that starts lead empty bottles on the pneumatic lifts under filling valves. After signal receiving that all lifts have bottles computer gives signal to lifts up and empty bottles are placed on the filling valves. After sealing of bottles throat on the valves computer opens evacuation valves and from inside area of bottles is during evacuation canal and exhauster drained air. After evacuation finishing are evacuation valves closed and are opened gas pipes of filling valves and bottles are filled by carbon dioxide. When pressure is in bottles and in the filling tank even are opened filling valves and starts flow liquid. Now we can give further two empty bottles into carousel. When bottles are loaded, are valves closed. Computer checks if are all valves closed and if yes are opened snift valves and from the bottles is evolved pressure, which is in bottles. After this operation go lifts down. After checking if all lifts are down computer gives signal run to carousel and carousel starts leading away filled and guiding empty bottles. Now we must take out filled bottles from carousel and on their places, we give two empty bottles by hand. The check of beer level in filling tank is full automatic and in the case of need computer control fills up filling tank. How was described this sequence is controls by computer and is all time repeated.
The appliance is designed as counterpressure filler with steady filling tank. Filling tank is mounted with two filling valves. Filling valves can be either with evacuation of air from bottles or without. By the evacuation is meant draw off air from inside area of the glass bottles or some steady packing.