ShinUchi : Scaled sketch & specifications
As it is easy to take these machines apart into smaller components, loading them through small entrances or doorways is possible. After loaded, they can be re-assembled with ease. With their space efficient designs, their installment areas are the smallest when compared with other machines at similar performance levels.
Space efficient design
It shows the thickness at which dough is being rolled on digital display and allows you to alter it with a touch of button. Every process, mixing, pressing, stretching, and cutting is simplified with buttons and levers. Safety devices are installed, ensuring safety of an operator at each crucial process.
Simple handling allows anyone to operate these models with ease
They are capable of manufacturing not only regular udon noodles but also KishiMen (flat shaped noodle, famous dish of Nagoya city), soba, ramen, and a variety of unique noodles of your creation which will help expand your menu.
Make any type of noodles you imagine at handmade quality
These models do processes that render the same effects on dough as hand-kneading, foot-treading, stretching, cutting that are done in "te-uchi", traditional way of making noodle by hand. WIth one machine, you can manufacture genuine udon with authentic tastes, smoothness, good eating texture, and elasticity (noodles bounce back a little when biting into them).
Render noodles with elasticity