Feature COMPUTER CONTROLComputer control with LCD display, data direct input easy to key in programs, easy to operate, read and obtain information as to the performance of machine. YARN FEEDERFeeders made of special steel which prevents them from shaking during knitting.This eliminates yarn breakage.They are also easy to thread the yarn through. TOP TENSIONNewly electronic top tension easy to thread the yarn through. .................................................................................................................................................................?TOP ?Inquiry Sample .................................................................................................................................................................?TOP ?Inquiry Specification SPECIFICATION MODEL KH-313TJ GAUGE 7G, 10G, 12G, 14G, 16G, 18G KNITTING WIDTH 40" KNITTING SPEED Transfer from front to back and vice versa, , independent of .carriage direction. STITCH DENSITY Electronic control with stepping motor 00 -99 levels. RACKING 6 levels to left or to right. FABRIC TAKE-DOWN Compound main roller, torque motor control, high speed & low speed adjustable. STOP MOTION Yarn break, knot, needle, break, shock, fabric drop out, wraparound check, piece count, motor overload etc. DRIVE Timming belt, no oil needle, programming speed. TOP TENTIONS Electronic top tensions easy to thread the yarn through. OPERATION LAMP Green : normal operationYellow : abnormal stop. FLUORESCENT LAMP Inside safety cover. POWER 220V, 1/3HP motor. CONTROL SYSTEM Computer control-LCD display. "All the contents of this catalog are subject to change without notice"