Number of carriers 9,12&18
Bobbin dimensions Dia.55mm x 160mm, 70mm x 225mm
Solid cord braiding machines differ from the more familiar type
braiders as all carriers travel in the same direction, one carrier
going under the two proceeding it, forming a cord by producing a
series of lock stitches. As the cord forms, it is drawn through a
former, which keeps the cord central against the pUll of the several
carriers, thus forming an even, round and solid cord.
These machines are designed and intended for use where a solid
braided rope is required without a core. They can, if necessary, be
used with a core.
Thesemachines are used in the manufacture of marine cords,
window sash cords, clothes line, signal pull rope, awning line,
curtain cord, and for many other purposes where a solid, nonkinkable
rope is desired.
Solid cord braiding machines differ from the more familiar type braiders as all carriers travel in the same direction |