Xaxis Y axis Zaxis Distancebetween table top and spindlenose ATCUnit Toolshank Pullstud Toolstorage capacity Max.tool length Max.tool weight Maxtool dia Toolchange time Spindlemotor Spindlespeed Nosetapper Ratedoutput Continuous 3.7 kw, 15 min5.5 kw ElectricMotor Servomotor 0.74 kw ( X,Y) , 1.2kw ( Z ) X- axis ? 4/4000i Y-axis ? 4/3000i Z- axis ? 4/3000i GuideWays and Ball Screws LMguide size 30 mm LM guidegrade P grade Ballscrews X, Y & Z axis size 32 x 10 dia in mm Ballscrews X, Y & Z axis grade CoolantTank Capacity 110 Ltr Motor 415 V AC 3 Phase Power ? 4/3000i PowerSource Pwersupply 415 V, 3 Phase50 Hz ControlVoltage 24V DC Accuracy Positioningaccuracy 0.010 mm Repeatability +/- 0.005 mm Table Workarea 600 x 350 mm Maximumloading capacity 250 kg FeedRate Rapidtraverse rate 40 x 30 x 30m/min Xx Yx Z axis CNC Controlsystem FANUC 0i MateMC / 0i MC MachineDimensions Heightx Length x Depth 2700 x 1700x 2400 mm
X. axis Y axis Z. axis Distance. between table top and spindle. nose ATC. Unit Tool. shank Pull. stud Tool. storage capacity Ma |