PRICE:Loaded onTruck, Our Warehouse, York, PA && $19,500.00Stock # 03380Serial # 50222New1972Model # S-0612-SLShearing Capacity:12'x 3/8"Length of Shear Knives:148"Gap in Side Frames:18"Hydraulic Hold Downs:12Squaring Arm:9'Front Operated Manual Back Gauge:36"EQUIPPED WITH:(1) Extra Set of Shear KnivesAuto Lubrication SystemRemote Electric Foot Pedal15 HP Motor, Wired 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, 230-460 VoltsOverall Machine Size:15-1/2'L x 91" W x 84" HApron Goes Below Floor Line:6"YORK, PAPH. 717-846-2600FAX 717-845-9
PRICE:Loaded onTruck, Our Warehouse, York, PA && $19,500.00Stock # 03380Serial # 50222New1972Model # S-0612-SLShearing |